Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Tooth

Vivian's first tooth finally came through! My daughter, Erin, called me at work and was so excited that she had gotten her first tooth. Vivvie had been so fussy lately that we figured that was what was happening, however, you never really known sometimes, if that is what is really bothering them or do they just want to be held all day.

So, teething is in full swing and so is the crankiness! Thank goodness the little family is going to be moving soon--I can handle the baby's crankiness -- it's the mommy's that gets to me.

Although, I must say that I understand her frustration-it's hard to be at home all day with a crying baby.

Olivea has two days of school left and is really excited. Today was read aloud day at school and she got to go to school with her pj's on and take blankets and pillows. This is one of her favorite days because they get to lay around all day and read from their favorite books and eat snacks. Tomorrow is Field Day so she will be outside enjoying the sun, playing relay games and a BBQ lunch then she only has a half a day on Friday then it is out for the summer! Livvie has already been enjoying swimming, on the few nice days we have had lately, down at our community pool.

Summer fun on the way!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I am so excited - I think I figured it out and I did it all by myself-that being adding pictures to this site. Not too bad for an on-line challenged grandma. I hope you all enjoy the pictures -- I will update the slideshow from time to time. I had a lot of fun doing it and will be adding some other pics to my blog as soon as I get them copied to a CD so that I can.

The girls are growing so fast it won't be long before I will have new pictures for everyone. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Total Veg Night

On my way home last night I had to make several stops, one of which was to make copies of some pictures that I want to send to my Dad for Father's Day and that I want to use for scrapbooking. They all turned out great and then I was on my way--I still didn't get home until after 6:30 pm and I was really tired as I had been up since 4:45 am- since little miss Olivea needed to have her hair ironed for her concert at school that day. When I arrived home, Olivea and her little friend Laria, were eating dinner and getting ready to go the school for the evening concert for family and friends. I was so tired that I decided not to attend the concert and just veg for a while, have dinner then go on to bed. Olivea was so sweet and assured me that it was okay for grammy to stay home just this one time--as she and friend dashed out the door to go to the school.

It was nice to have the house to myself, almost, Erica was home but she is so quiet most of the time you hardly know that she is there. When everyone was finally out the door she came out of her room and fixed us dinner, we had wide noodles with brown gravy and some of those great meatballs I mentioned the other day. She is such a great cook. I love it when she does dinner. We had a relaxing dinner and talked about how we were going to arrange the furniture when her sister and her little family finally move to their own place (soon)--we have great plans! We watched a bit of TV together then I did finally get to bed but it wasn't until after everyone returned home from the concert.

It was a very relaxing night and I enjoyed it very much. I do have pictures from the concert but again - I need to take the time to learn how to add them.

Love, Jimie

Monday, June 11, 2007

Scapbooking, Etc.

Hello, everyone! I had a great time scrapbooking this weekend, I got 11 pages done! I am currently working on Vivian's, my 8 month old granddaughter, book. I am doing an 11 1/2 x 12 inch album for her so I'm not getting as many photo's to a page as I would like but it does give more focus to the pictures and layout of the page which is what I like for this kind of album.

Karen, the host for the workshop for the summner months, gave us all copies of the pictures from one of our previous scraps where we all scrapped the same pictures. It is great to see how even though we all had the same pictures, each and every layout was different and unique. She had taken pictures of us at a previous scrap all busily scrapping and chatting away then gave us all copies so we could scrap them and see how they would turn out. (If I can get my daughter Erica to show me how to put the pictures on this blog you will be able to see the results we all had). Our groups name is "The Chatty Scrappers", sometimes I think that we chat more than we scrap but we all have fun and that is what it is all about; fun, new ideas, sharing fun new tools and relaxation!!

Good News Of The Highest Importance! My daughter Erin and her little family are getting ready to finally move to their own apartment!! I love my daughter dearly, but there comes a time when, at least in my life, when the children must finally leave the nest. I enjoy my grandchildren and love them dearly also but it will be nice to just be Grandma again. This will all transpire, hopefully, by the end of the month--and I will at long last have a scrapbooking room. I will keep you all posted. I am really excited.

Yesterday, my daughter Erica, did the grocery shopping then came home and mixed up a big batch of Scandinavian meatballs. When she does this it is a family affair. We three gals, me, Erica and Erin all sit down together and roll meatballs until I don't want to see a bowl of raw meat mixture for a long while. It was, however, a great time to visit and bond with my girls and it made the job a lot faster and fun with the end result being a freezer full of meatballs for any occassion (and of course we had some for dinner, um, um good!). There were a lot of ball jokes being tossed around too!

Little Vivian is at the stage where she is pulling herself up on the furniture but learning that she isn't quite steady enough yet to do all she wants -- she had a couple of little mishaps yesterday where she fell on her little nose. These are the trying times --!

Olivea is doing great and having a lot of fun playing with her little sister. It is fun to watch her and Vivian together. I will miss them being at the house all the time but I will get over it as I sit in my new scrapbooking room working away on their albums!!!

Love, Jimie

Friday, June 8, 2007

My Very First Posting

This is my second attempt to post my first blog. I have never done this before and wouldn't you know I hit a wrong button while attempting to show someone what I was doing. I had said in my first post that I was nervous about doing this because I might hit a wrong button or something and mess it up (I am very prophetic). Well, they say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks but this grammy is going to give it the old college try, again!

Today is Friday, thank God, and I have scrapbooking tomorrow. Things at my house are all in an uproar right now so I am very glad to be going scrapbooking. Scrapbooking is fun and I love it. It is very relaxing for me and helps to soothe my nerves. I belong to a group of ladies that get together once a month to work on our projects. Aunt Fay is part of our group and that gives us some quality time to spend together. I am currently working on baby Vivian's book. I have Olivea's all caught up and am now free to concentrate on Vivvie's book.

Olivea is such a great kid and she is so funny. Yesterday, when I got home from work, she came dancing out of back bedroom singing a little ditty about a really horrible substitue teacher they had that day. The little ditty goes something like " U.G.L.Y. (spelled out) you got no alibi, you ugly, you ugly! Over and over again -- I am thinking she didn't have a really good day with this sub, ya think!

Vivian is growing so fast! She is crawling and pulling herself up on the furniture already. She was caught standing up in her bed the other day so we had to finally take out the insert so she wouldn't fall out on her little head. She is so beautiful and a very good baby! She is much loved by her big sister and she loves her big sister right back - especially when it comes to pulling her hair (or anyones hair for that matter).

I think that the big kids are starting to get excited about the end of the school year and the opening of our community swimming pool. Last week we had some really hot days (I got sunburned) and they were saying that they can't wait to go swimming --our pool opening has been delayed because we had to have new sand filters put in but it should be open by next weekend. I tell ya, after the winter we had around here I am looking forward to some nice warm weather--not too warm mind you but warm.

Last month I went on a trip to San Diego to a conference for the coop I live in. I am on the Board of Directors for Homewood Terrace Cooperative and am the board secretary. The conference this year was, as I mentioned, in San Diego and besides the conference classes that I took I was able to go to Seaworld and tour Old Towne San Diego. I really had a lot of fun and also learned a lot for my coop too! Next year's conference is in Las Vegas! I have been to Las Vegas before but it will be nice to go back again--hopefully I will be able to see somethings that I wasn't able to see before, like the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam.

Well, I will sign off for now. Keep checking out my blog for more fun, family news.

Love, Jimie