Monday, October 1, 2007

Well, Kinda!

I had the best of intentions! I planned to get all of these chores done and do some high quality, much needed, me time! Well, I sorta did . . . on Saturday I cleaned my computer/scrapbooking room and arranged things there, then I put back together all the pictures and their frames that I had taken apart so that I could make copies of the pictures, having procured the said copies I matched everything back up and put the pictures back in the places they belonged. I moved the living room clock and hung a picture then did some laundry . . . so far so good, right? That's where the chores stopped. I didn't make it the store to get the flea shampoo so I didn't have to do, and have yet to do, battle with the fleas and cats. This is still only Saturday, there is Sunday yet to come, right?.

Sunday, dawns another day! I get up early and get dressed and ready to go to the store to purchase that elusive fleas shampoo and some other odds and ends that I need and to make more copies of pictures I need for a project I am working on. I get to my favorite store (Walmart) and proceed to spend the next four hours there shopping and making prints of pictures. YES, I FINALLY PURCHASE THAT DARN FLEA SHAMPOO! I then leave Walmart and go to my Aunt's house to give her some old family pictures and then she invites me to go to dinner so, of course, I go! No, I never got the cats bathed and I didn't finish my chores. But, I did have fun and I guess that is what was important to me. It was my weekend to do what I wanted and that is what I did! I am sure the rest of the housework will still be there when I get home from work and I am totally sure the cats are not upset and will not be holding a grudge about not getting a bath --- like they care! Believe me they will probably be holding a grudge by the time I get through with them -- they probably won't look at it like a "Day of Beauty", getting a luxurious bath, having their coats brushed and dried, and their nails done too, how chic!! Yeah, right!!

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