Monday, July 9, 2007

Astonishing Discovery

This last Sunday, July 8, 2007, I went over to spend some time with my Mom going through old pictures and identifying people in some old family photos. As I mentioned earlier I am gathering information for my personal memory book and wanted to start going through the old family photos to choose those I will want to use.

Mom and I made a lot of head way on our project and in the process I gleaned a great story about a house fire my mother was in when she was a little girl when we discovered an old photo depicting the aftermath of the fire. I made sure that I got as many of the details of this horrible event that she could remember and learned in the process that it had been an arson fire and that several houses close to them had also been set on fire. It was a miracle that anyone in the house had survived and with exception of one of my uncles most were unhurt. My Uncle Bud was injured when the staircase fell with him on it - he was severely burned on the back and had also injured his back in the fall. I had known about the fire as my Mom and Great Grandfather had mentioned it before but I didn't know that it was an arson fire -- the things you learn when you sit down and listen and write!

While going through the photos that I was taking over to Mom's with me I discovered my hospital birth certificate. What a treasure to find! I also came across a couple of post cards that my Dad had sent my Mom when she had returned to the lower 48 that depicted (I was born in Ketchikan, Alaska) the small coastal town and waterfront as it was the year I was born. What a blessed woman I am -- not only do I have pictures of the town I was born in but I have my Dads loving words to my mother about me to boot! It's going to be a great book.

Great finds and great stories -- what a wonderful day spent with Mom!

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